Sunday, April 16, 2017

80’s Generation

Every generation has their own pressure. For our current 80’s generation , we are faced with the job competitive market and the responsibility to make a living for both young kids and elder parents. The society is change day by day, thus,cheap nfl jerseys,  we have to adjust and improve ourselves accordingly, in order to keep pace with the society. Surely ,nobody was born under the golden spoon. Sometimes ,even a small achievements we have obtained make us contented. I always trust that to simplify our life can be assure of happiness.

In some extent , we have to make a lot of sacrifice to achieve our goal. Most of us have the strong sense that, it is not so easy to work far away from our hometown. We have to choose big cities for better career development, cheap snapbacks, for better opportunity to make achievements. We have to admit the fact that the chance of success by our working in small town is slim. Take me for example, the salary is too low to survive in our hometown. Meanwhile, some of my old classmates would like to choose to work and live at hometown. They can find a decent job, that is great. It is a pity that I leave behind my childhood friends and some treasure things. I would like to stay together and have fun with them if we are available.

Every coin has two sides. We cannot eat the cake and have it. I lost the valuable hours to witness the growth of my baby. We sacrifice our youthful years to work in big city. cheap replica oakleys, It turn out to be quite nice if you work hard and get what you want from life. We have to be brave enough to conquer all the difficulties in our life. After all, life is beautiful , right ?

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